Speaker of the Senate Isabel Brown listens as a member of the senate speaks. (Colin Shepherd | Collegian)
On January 29th, Students for Opioid Solutions' hallmark legislation was passed at Colorado State University.The resolution passed unanimously 17-0-0. The legislation was shephered by SOS Campus Captain and Colorado State Speaker of the Senate Isabel Brown and Senator Josh Williams. Read more here courtesy of the Collegian. Press release available here.
Ohio state university student government adopts students for opioid solutions legislation
The Ohio State University student government association announced February 7 that it had passed legislation it had crafted with Students for Opioid Solutions, a national opioid overdose prevention nonprofit. With the passages of similar legislation at Colorado State University and the University of Alabama, this brings the number of students affected by SOS policies to nearly 140,000. Press release available here

east carolina university to implement sos policies
alabama student government passes sos legislation
Students for Opioid Solutions' legislation was passed unanimously on November 2nd of 2017. Special thanks to Robert Pendley for authoring the legislation.
East Carolina Campus captain Caleb Tolin has informed Students for Opioid Solution leadership that East Carolina University will be implementing SOS's policy recommendations in the Fall of 2018.
"I'm passionate about this because it (involves) my residents, my kids," she said. "I just want to make sure they're going to be OK."
Students for Opioid Solutions, a grassroots movement created to prevent opioid-related deaths on college campuses, has announced its arrival at ASU.
According to its website, the group aims to reduce the number of opioid deaths to zero as "no one should die from a preventable death."
Brigette Maggio, a business law and political science junior, is the Students for Opioid Solutions campus leader at ASU.
The organization has chapters at 34 universities in 27 states, with ASU"s chapter being the first in Arizona, Maggio said.
Read more on The State Press website here
Press release available here
Students for Opioid Solutions (SOS), a newly formed national nonprofit dedicated to reducing opioid overdose deaths on college campuses, has named Madison Faupel, a senior business marketing major at the University of Minnesota, campus captain for the Twin Cities campus. Faupel, a Rochester native and chair of Minnesota College Republicans, met Wendt when she was interning in Washington, D.C., at the conservative fundraising firm Delullo and Associates. "We were at different networking events and became friends," she said. "When he and Gerald started this organization he reached out to me."
Faupel was excited by the potential of working with an organization that she felt could make a real difference for her fellow students. Part of SOS's strategy for advancing its mission on campus is to craft and pass student-government legislation that can influence university administrators to make real change on campus. A press release is available here.
"This past year, an Aggie who was close to all our hearts experienced an opioid overdose and I think that's what really opened our eyes,"
Madison Mitchell, a senior at Texas A&M University, has become a campus captain for the organization.
"This past year, an Aggie who was close to all our hearts experienced an opioid overdose and I think that"s what really opened our eyes," said Mitchell.
Through passing student government legislation, they want to require training for campus police and residential staff in recognizing opioid overdose, require them to carry Narcan, and require the school to record and report the number of opioid overdoses and death annually.
They also want to enact an amnesty policy that will protect students from legal ramifications should they report an opioid overdose, and enact a good Samaritan clause protecting students who come to the aid of someone suffering from an opioid overdose.
Tristan meadows spearheads opioid change at university of north dakota
GRAND FORKS - Tristan Meadows is on a mission to save lives.The University of North Dakota sophomore has been named campus leader for Students for Opioid Solutions, a grassroots movement to prevent deaths from opioid overdose on college campuses across the country. Meadows wants to get 50 Narcan kits into the hands of residence hall directors, athletic coaches, leaders of Greek houses and the Wellness Center, police officers and others on campus who may be in a position to help students who have overdosed on opioids. Narcan is a brand name for naloxone, a medication used to block the effects of opioids, especially in overdose. Press release available here

"Students for Opioid Solutions is a registered 501(c)3 organization making massive strides in bringing awareness and an end to the opioid epidemic in our nation. In 2015, 1,850 Americans between the ages of 15-24 died from Heroin or Methadone overdose. Of these deaths, hundreds of those are students at institutions of higher learning. Students for Opioid Solutions has a goal to reduce this number to zero." Read more here
College Fix: Generation Addicted: College students lobby for campus cops, RAs to carry Narcan
Gerald Fraas learned his friend had died of an opioid overdose via text. It was a crappy way to learn the news, and it was "absolutely heartbreaking," he said.
They had been friends since their freshman year, and his death in March 2017 rocked Fraas. What"s worse, it may have been preventable. Read more here